TOSEC scripts

A set of small simple Ruby scripts used to manage TOSEC datfiles | The Old School Emulation Center | 2018

Some of the Ruby scripts are:

  • datcheck.rb - checks a folder for outdated TOSEC datfiles based on version in filename or dats nested in others
  • diffgenerator.rb - generates a list of differences (new/updated/removed) between two folders with TOSEC datfiles. Used to create the descriptions at the end of README.txt of each release
  • tosecstatistics.rb - extracts global statistics from a folder containing the 3 TOSEC branches (1 per folder)
  • cuechecker.rb - check if something (cue files) is missing
  • cueonlyfixdats.rb - strips all files except cues from existing fixdats
  • cueunzipper.rb - unzips all cues to folders (since they have always been distributed that way)