Renato Panda, PhD
I. Researcher @ Ci2.IPT
C. Researcher @ CISUC (MIRlab)
The interdisciplinary science of retrieving information from music. Small but growing field of research with many real-world applications.
Categorizing music items by genre, emotion, artist, and so on.
Subfield of MIR that deals with emotion.
Music distribution methods changed drastically in the last decades.
Streaming services provide millions of songs.
How do we browse such collections effectively?
Music has been with us since our prehistoric times, serving as kind of a “language of emotion”.
Regarded as music’s primary purpose (Cooke, 1959), the “ultimate reason why humans engage with it” (Pannese et al., 2016).
Bridges several different fields such as music theory, psychology and computer science (DSP and ML).
A short experience in response to a [musical] stimulus.
Context and Subjectivity
Basic emotions are universal (Ekman, 1987)
… but also subjective and context-dependent.
We focus on perceived emotion (!= felt).
Most are very small (<1000 songs) or large (1M songs) but with low quality annotations (uncontrolled)
A simple indicator of noisiness consists in counting the number of times the signal crosses the X-axis (or, in other words, changes sign).
A distributed MER system proof-of-concept using microservices
João Canoso (MSc)
Cloud Architect / DevOps Engineer
Full-Stack Developer
Tiago António (MSc)
Machine Learning Engineer
Full-Stack Developer
Mobile App using OCR to process invoices
Telehealth solution to monitor and improve health care for the elderly living in isolated areas
MOVIDA, Strate App, MovTour